
Buttons are used to trigger in-page functionality (like collapsing content), linking to new pages or sections within the current page.

Primary Button

Primary button is the main button which performs primary actions of your app. You can use btn class for button and use btn-primary for solid primary button, and btn-primary-outline for outline primary button, as shown below.

Link Button

Link button is the button which is a link in the form of button which will link to other pages. You can use btn class for button and for the link button, use btn-link , as shown below.

Icon Button

Icon button is an icon which works as a button. You can use btn class for button and for the icon button, use btn-icon , as shown below.

Floating Action Button

Floating Action Button performs the primary, or most common, action on a screen. You can use btn class for button and for the floating action button, use btn-float , as shown below.